The Fall

The person is unconscious and appears to be going to die if you do not receive medical care. Wait for it, however, nowhere. Plant Corporation Domesticon – Place the game – long ago abandoned. Most of the equipment is de-energized, part of the premises flooded, some inhabited by aggressive local fauna.

From the staff were only rare recordings and half-decayed corpses. Somewhere up there – the only chance for salvation. So, the hero will include a flashlight and go in the way of plohoosveschennym corridors and rooms. Minimalist decorations, painted nearly one black only.

Rare inclusions of colored light – mostly neon shades. Muffled sound. Retrofuturistichesky design in everything from the different mechanisms and the appearance of the suit to a pixel font from DOS to the main menu.

Of these parts could easily get a typical horror with frightening rustling suddenly jumps out of the darkness, terrifying monsters and panic races in an attempt to hide. The Fall, fortunately, is more interesting than a set of legacy of horror stories. This does not mean that there is no danger here, but only what the player’s shooting guard droids – the smallest of the problems on the way. With them, at least, once it is clear what to do.

Review of The Fall.  Game Review - Image 8Coub

Sniping and stealth elementary – a combination that does not cause difficulties. Action-part is only a cover element on the background to explore the world and solve puzzles.

Retrofuturistichesky design in everything from the different mechanisms and the appearance of the suit to a pixel font from DOS to the main menu

The first difficulty that has to be faced: the use of most of the suit functional, including weapons, necessary to permit a person. Loophole in these rules is simple: in a situation where the owner lives costume begins in immediate danger, the powers of the artificial intelligence can expand. It is necessary to prevent hacking of the system – you can access the wireless data transmission. He came under fire turret – unlock system optical camouflage. Such events are not so much, they are clearly linked to the promotion of the scenario, but every time is absolutely logical.

The main part of the game revolves around the collection and use of objects. Illuminated flashlight active point of the landscape allows you to open the menu. Items in it are not so much: the contextual action, access network and a list of all the collected items.

The compactness of the game as the basic principle of the device allows you to The Fall to be logical, always and everywhere. The situation when a player goes through dozens of painful things, trying to find the right combination of magic, there is not possible. Including because abundant in various records of employees of the plant.

They have no direct references to the action, but it is not vague hints, and ordinary working notes, comparing that with the current situation, it is easy to understand what to do.

This game is like a good fiction story, manages from the usual ties to construct an original story with a twist. And the mystery happened a long time ago the catastrophe, contrary to expectations, then it is playing the role assigned to them from the very beginning – the background for the main event.

Questions of self-consciousness, free will, reasonableness is important, but not submitted to the forehead. Preferring quality to quantity, The Fall of the three hours that need to pass it, begins to repeat itself and manages to unleash their ideas, leaving at the end of a modest “To be continued”.