The essence of the hardcore action movie Eldest Souls explained with the help of the cartoon – Igromania

Independent studio Fallen Flag and publishing United label released a new animated trailer for the dark pixel action movie Eldest Souls… In it, the creators showed the main essence of the future game: complex intense fights with superior opponents and the ability to get special abilities in case of victory.

Eldest Souls’ gameplay focuses on a single type of battle: boss battles. In the role of a lone warrior, we will explore the vast gloomy citadel, in which the Old Gods took refuge, and destroy them one by one.

Each of the gods is unique, and no battle will be easy. And having absorbed their life energy, the hero will be able to acquire divine abilities and collect from them a set corresponding to the chosen style of play.

Eldest Souls launches July 29 on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch.

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