Tag: Siege
Developers from Ubisoft announced the start of a temporary event “Road to S.I. 2023 “ in Rainbow six siege, which will be held from January 15 to February 16. …
User Reddit posted a screenshot Rainbow six siegewhere the features of the fifth year seasonal pass are listed. The authenticity of the information failed. Users and the media noticed …
Creators Rainbow six siege offer players to go to the Wild West again and take part in the battle at Fort Truth – today at 20:00 Moscow time, the …
They will begin tomorrow, September 9th, and will continue until September 13th. Dates: PC – from September 9 (16:00 UTC) through September 13 (23:00 UTC). Preload is already available; …
Ubisoft shared a fresh trailer for the Battle Pass Crystal guardwhich became part of the third season of the sixth year in Rainbow six siege… There are three pass …
Company Ubisoft presented an animated story trailer for the new season of the tactical co-op shooter Rainbow six siegenamed Crystal guard… The video introduces players to the previously announced …
Ubisoft released a fresh trailer Rainbow six siege, and dedicated him to a new operative, Wasp. However, he does not speak about the fighting qualities of the transgender Ani …
Operative Lion blunts the ravens attacking him mercilessly.
Authors Rainbow six siege from Ubisoft presented a new season of their shooter – Crystal Guard. The developers will update three maps: “Coast”, “Bank” and “Club”. They have improved …
Company Ubisoft will add to the popular tactical shooter Rainbow six siege the first ever transgender character in the series. This is an operative nicknamed Osa. The news was …