Tag: New games review
Polish studio Game hunters working on a number of unusual simulators: Gunsmith simulator, Medieval Farmer Simulator, Primitive hunter. Now a game has been added to this list Samurai simulatorwhich …
Studio Media molecule announced that the game engine Dreams leaves early access soon. The project has already gone for gold, and it will not be long to wait for …
Update. Microsoft confirmedthat the AMD Xbox Series X renderer is a fake. Its source is not a corporation, but an unknown designer on the TurboSquid website. Awkward situation. Original …
The first episode of a phantasmagoric adventure Kentucky Route Zero was released in February 2013, and the journey has not yet been completed. The developers intended to release the …
A little more than a week left before the Japanese release Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and Sega decided to talk more about the legendary gangsters who will return to …
Developers from Riot games announcedthat the 2023 season starts in League of Legends already January 10th. On the poster, which was published yesterday, you can see the chains and …
Largest resource Moddb summed up the year, choosing the best creations of the creators of custom modifications. And according to the results of the voting, a lot of mods …
Representatives of the publishing house Ragnarok game reported that the company was finally able to return assets and source code Rune iithey demanded through court from former game developers …
In the last week of 2019 FIFA 20 for the fifth time in a row and the ninth since the release took the first line of the combined chart …
In late November, developers from Bethesda game studios shared new screenshots of the Wastelanders update for Fallout 76. At one of them one could see the automated underground parking …