Tag: Minecraft
Bolshoi Drama Theater named after Tovstonogov (BDT) conducted an online broadcast of the play “The Cherry Orchard“based on the work of the same name Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. However, there …
Not needing introduction The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild does not leave alone various developers who often try to repeat how the visual style of the hit …
Output Animal Crossing: New Horizons marked by a series of incredible indicators. The game broke several records on Nintendo switch and dominated the charts for several months. Well, now …
The first downloadable add-on for role-playing action Minecraft dungeons in the style of Diablo will be available in July. Jungle awakens will transfer players to the dangerous jungle, where …
Portal Journalists Digital foundry published a video comparing various console versions of the spin-off Minecraftwhich is called Minecraft dungeons. This is a simplified “Diabloid”, which was released on the …
Action role Minecraft dungeons not yet officially released, but researchers are already studying what awaits players in the near future. Thanks to the analysis of game files on the …
In anticipation of the release Minecraft dungeons gaming publications that have previously gained access to the new product conduct online gameplay demonstrations of role-playing action from Mojang studios. In …
Adventure Adventure Coming Minecraft dungeons: The game will be released May 26 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. And a number of resources have already gained …
On May 22, the gaming community celebrated a significant anniversary. It was on this day 40 years ago that the original arcade machine was released Pac-manwho created the legendary …
Fan sandbox community Minecraft it has long been surprising the public to recreate various objects in the game, like “Death stars“from the universe”Star wars“or even a whole planet Land …