Tag: main
The first Nintendo Direct in a year and a half has just finished, at which the upcoming releases for Switch were presented – most of the games shown will …
According to Deadline, the main villain in the sequel Captain Marvel the actress will play Zawie Ashton (“Velvet Chainsaw”). The source does not mention which specific character is in …
Epic Games held a spring presentation of games for her store, where she made several fairly large announcements. First, all major parts will be released on PC exclusively through …
Ubisoft published a fresh report in which it spoke about the best quarter in its history – moreover, the company became the leader in sales of games among third-party …
Last week The division 2 updated for the next generation consoles, however, instead of releasing separate nextgen versions, the developers limited themselves to improvements through backward compatibility. However, PS5 …
Ubisoft published a fresh report in which it spoke about the best quarter in its history – moreover, the company became the leader in sales of games among third-party …
Recently in Apex legends season 8 began, with which a new legend was added to the royal battle, the mercenary Fuza, scaled up the classic map Kings Canyonintroduced a …
A few days ago Sony released Destruction AllStars, and Digital foundry already prepared a technical analysis of the racing arcade. There isn’t much to discuss, though. The game runs …
Company Netflix decided on the first actress for one of the main roles in the series “The Witcher: Origins“, which will unfold 1200 years before the main show with …
Company Samsung held its first online event Unpacked in 2023. The main announcements were three new smartphones in the line Galaxy S21but the manufacturer also introduced wireless headphones, an …