Spider-Man after “Avengers Final” replied about the resurrection of Iron Man

In the most successful film in the history of the movie “Avenger: Final”, the main character of the Iron Man franchise was killed. The rescue of the superhero was answered by his ward Spider-Man.

British actor Tom Holland, known for his role as Spider-Man in the blockbuster Avengers: Final, voiced the protagonist of the animated film Forward. According to Gamebomb.ru, he attended the Hollywood premiere of the news, where journalists asked him a huge number of questions, many of which related to the movie universe Marvel. Holland was asked which of the deceased franchise characters he would resurrect if he could make a choice. However, he was limited to several possible answers: the father of Peter Parker, his mother, Uncle Ben and Tony Stark. Gwen Stacy was additionally mentioned, but she has not yet appeared in the Marvel Cinema Universe. Without hesitation, Tom Holland replied that it would be Iron Man.

Such a decision, Tom Holland explained not from the point of view of his character Spider-Man and his relationship with Tony Stark, but from a personal acting position, Gamebomb.ru reports. He really enjoyed working with Robert Downey Jr. “If I could work with him one more day, that would be great,” said Tom Holland. After these words, the hopes of many fans increased. They still do not want to part with Iron Man and dream of his return. Once Holland has already managed to influence the leadership of Disney, when it came to the departure of Spider-Man from the movie universe. Fans hope he can do it a second time for Tony Stark.

The film Avengers: Final was released in April 2019 and became the highest grossing film in the history of cinema. The film completed the story of most superheroes of the first composition of the Avengers. Iron Man died giving his life to save the world from Thanos. The movie Spider-Man: Away from Home shows the effects of his death on Peter Parker, for whom Tony Stark was a mentor.