Singapore brings Xavier robots to the streets to patrol

Singapore is renowned for its strict safety laws and regulations. The government of the city-state has hung cameras all over the territory, and now has begun testing robots named “Xavier”.

Over the next three weeks, automated law enforcement officers will scour public places in search of violators. Robots will monitor the crowd in the Tua Payo area for so-called “unwanted social behavior.” This, for example, includes mass gatherings of more than five people, contrary to security measures in the context of COVID-19.

In addition, Xavier will observe smoking in prohibited areas, improperly parked vehicles, and the use of walkways and sidewalks by cyclists.

The robots are equipped with cameras that provide a 360-degree view from the command center. They are able to take photos in low light using IR cameras, and the captured video can be analyzed by an artificial intelligence system. Built-in sensors allow Xavier to move around the city autonomously, as well as avoid moving and stationary objects.

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