Part II was much more comical – review addiction

In the early version The Last of Us: Part II one type of infected had a much more unusual design. We are talking about Sharkuns – mutated creatures covered with fungus and releasing acid gas. It would seem much worse – we thought until we saw how the Sharkoons looked initially.

Recently, the chief designer of the combat system, Matthew Gallant, shared a short video in which Ellie fights several Sharkoons. The appearance of the infected is immediately striking: protruding red buttocks are especially noticeable, which explode when the creatures fall to the ground.

The video shows three Sharkoons, each of which runs up to Ellie and gets on all fours, after which its back begins to swell like a balloon, and then explodes. The same animation suggests that the infected were originally intended to attack in this way.

In the final version of the game, Sharkoons simply run up to the character and spew acid clouds from their backs.

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