Online game Temtem, the creation of an especially unknown Spanish studio Crema, became an unexpected sensation. A month after the release, the circulation of the game reached 500 thousand …
Adult Swim Games announces action Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time. It is developed by a Japanese studio Soleilknown for weak action movie Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker. The team …
On the YouTube channel James Bond There is a new video dedicated to the process of creating the 25th film of the series – “It’s not the time to …
Company Electronic arts reported about the decision to block the accounts of a professional player in FIFA Kurt “Kurt0411“Fenech in all his games. According to the publisher, the gamer …
Collective Financing Platform Xiaomi Youpin two new products have appeared – Miyu elite keyboard and Miyu elite mouse. This is a wireless keyboard and mouse, which differ in some …
Lead Bandai Namco Entertainment published a new game trailer One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows, in which Saitama for almost two minutes takes out with one blow each …
One issue in litigation is the issue of copyright in terms of music. If plagiarism of the text is easy to track, then with music it is often more …
Western and Japanese journalists were able to get acquainted with the new demo version Resident evil 3 and began to share their impressions and gameplay videos. We are already …
Last week, a few players celebrated their birthday Anthem. However, the holiday was not even needed Bioware. Given the failure at the start and the announcement of the restart, …
As part of the add-on ad campaignWarriors of New York“(Warlords of new york) for Game The division 2 publishing house Ubisoft introduced a short cartoon. The release of “Warriors …