This is not the first time that the famous spinning sport comes to The Sims, let’s remember that it was introduced along with other content through some expansions of …
Not that the franchise franchise invented them (because there are so many other games on the chart, including a Zelda on NES), but the iterations of this series have contributed to …
Funny but not very ambitious So we flew to London to put our hands on a version – actually – not yet definitive: the trial was mostly structured in …
Total destruction Imagine going home after a hunting trip, tired and cold, but satisfied with the booty and prospect of a hot meal near the fire, just to find …
Kingdom Hearts X In the beginning the fairy tales, the only ones in the universe, were illuminated by the only light of the radiant Kingdom Hearts, ready to protect …
The Hip Hop Hero Masaya Matsuura can in all likelihood be considered one of the pioneers of musical games. When PaRappa The Rapper arrived in ’96 , the so-called rhythm games entered the …
The charm of the game derives, as foreseeable, by the amount of unusual situations we will be faced with, impersonating the protagonist of the game. K. After one of …
Over the past 10 years, though not as Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest , the Personaseries has become one of the most important and iconic in the JRPG landscape. With the arrival of the very special Persona …
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Super Nes) The 90s and the Power Rangers were full of popularity: the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2D scrolling beat-em-up was perfectly in lin e with what …
Open on page 25 of your story manual It is difficult as well as a reduction, harness The Great Whale Road in the usual schemes and try to frame the work …