Though Alice: Madness Returns gradually approaching its tenth anniversary since the release, and the fate of a possible continuation is still in question, the gloomy image of Alice from …
This month marks exactly ten years since the last Prince of persiahowever, it is hoped that Ubisoft still not buried the series completely. Reddit users noticed that on Monday, …
Company Electronic arts and studio Respawn entertainment Star Wars Day Released Content Update for Adventure Action Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. A free patch added “New game +“, battle …
The continuation of the remake released on April 10 Final Fantasy VII is now at the planning stage. Developers ponder the concept and collect ideas, but have no final …
Respawn on the day of “Star Wars” decided to please fans Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order unexpected free update. It is already available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. …
March 18, lead system architect Mark Zerny spoke in detail about the technical features Playstation 5. Among other things, he mentioned that Sony relies on sound. For its high-quality …
In celebration of the DayStar wars” Studio Lucasfilm officially has announced the series for which the show runner is responsible “Nesting dolls” Leslie Headland. At the same time, the …
Small indie studios continue to develop the genre laid down since the release Hotline miami, offering their variations on the theme of revenge and bloody action games. Inspired by …
Announced initially for Playstation 4 role-playing game Yakuza: Like a Dragon (she Yakuza 7) will be released on PC. The publisher has not yet made an official announcement, but …
Popular YouTube video hosting today announced the signing of an exclusive deal with Felix “PewDiePie” Chelberg, which for many years has been one of the largest creators of content …