Old-style action … The lightness with which our character moves will quickly infect the desire for action, and its clear and carefree appearance does nothing but benefit that first …
It is said that one of the endemic evils of the modern game is the lack of difficulty. Large productions tend to facilitate the gaming experience through the use of all …
The work season begins and it’s time to go back to our scrap collector position. But this time it will not be the same as always: our compan y …
A young man travels to his homeland he never knew. His head is full of mysteries and mysteries to discover. But it will not be long before h e rushes …
Put in the skin of Deckard from an old-fashioned isometric perspective, our goal is to walk the streets of a colorful and futuristic Tokyo while doing various missions, which usually …
Released in 2015, and relaunched in 2016 with a new mode and console versions, Jotun was one of many names sometimes lost in the vortex of indie games t …
Pyre, the jewel of SuperGiant Pyre is a huge surprise. And to say this coming from SuperGiant, one of the indies companies that excelled with note years ago with Bastion and that …
Titles such as Hotline Miami have marked the era thanks to its explosive mixture of action, challenge and a very particular mood; others like Party Hard , betting on a slower and less visceral …
Welcome aboard the Tacoma The Fullbright Company, known for being the creators of Gone Home and having previously been part of 2K Marin where they devised “Minerva’s Den”, an original expansion for …
The song of the lion The Austrian independent studio, Mipumi , under its motto “Great games do not have to be big” (Big games do not have to be big) bring …