True, only Xbox One X and Xbox One S without a drive will be discontinued, while the standard Xbox One S will still be available in stores around the …
It is well known that the famous actor Henry Cavillfamiliar to millions of viewers by roles Superman in comic book movies DC, and the image of the witcher Geralt …
A new series of football simulator from EA will be released a little later than usual – October 9th. Product prices can by no means be called democratic. ODDS …
Presentations Xbox Games Showcase, scheduled for 19 pm Moscow time on July 23, will be devoted exclusively to games. No news about the new consoles and price will be …
Bungie delayed expansion output Beyond light for Destiny 2 for almost two months – from September 22 to November 10. The developers do not want to rush and sacrifice …
Score Epic Games Store pleased PC gamers next giveaway. Over the next week, until July 23, 2023, everyone will be able to download cooperative role-playing action Torchlight ii. Next …
Publishing house Ubisoft introduced a new trailer Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. The game will be released on November 19 on PC, Xbox One and PS4, it will also be released …
The network has a fresh video “New Mutants”dedicated to the upcoming virtual panel on Comic-con. Both the main cast members and the director of the picture will take part …
In the official store Microsoft a page with a project called The red doorbehind which is supposedly a beta version of the next game in the series Call of …
Studio Hello games continues to consistently improve its monstrous sandbox No man’s sky. Today a new update was introduced that will delight fans of horror. Update called Desolation allow …