Studio Team17 unexpectedly released a major update to its turn-based ballistic strategy Worms armageddon. The game was released on the PC in 1999, that is, 21 years ago. And …
Studio developers Crytek released a new shooter trailer Crysis remastered in version for Nintendo switch. A fresh video demonstrates the realistic response of vegetation to shots, destructible surrounding objects, …
This year’s legendary plumber game series Mario celebrates his 35th birthday. On such an occasion, according to earlier rumors on the network, the company Nintendo prepares a great gift …
In the range of game monitors of the company Acer replenishment. We are talking about the XR383CKP model with a 37.5-inch Nano IPS panel. The novelty received a concave …
Portal IGN shared the first gameplay demo of an early beta recently announced Worms rumble. New game in the popular battle worm franchise from the company Team17 will offer …
At the studios Sony There is a nice tradition of congratulating your colleagues on the launch of new products with various works – most often, with unique drawings by …
Today the world release of exclusive for Playstation 4 open world samurai action Ghost of tushusha. Studio game developers Sucker punch productions receive congratulations from their colleagues from interior …
New Generation Console Release Playstation 5 steadily approaching. The system should arrive on store shelves by the end of this year, but for now Sony begins to actively increase …
Company Apple already this year it plans to start transferring its computers to ARM processors, and it will end in 2023. Now it became known who exactly will produce …
In the latest issue of the magazine EDGE a small interview was presented with Max Pierce, level designer in the upcoming role-playing game Cyberpunk 2077 studios CD Projekt RED. …