Protagonists are Billie Lurk, a prominent character already seen in an expansion of the first Dishonored as well as a prominent figure of the sequel, and Daud, the antagonist …
There is an idea of success that the market seems to appreciate and support: you take it, change its look and try to sell it to a new niche …
Although not shining for originality, in fact, the title produced by Bethesda and developed by the team of Shinji Mikami, Tango Gameworks, has managed to satisfy most of the …
All of us, sooner or later in life, have dreamed of being a superhero. The desire to emulate the deeds of Batman and company is not exclusive to children, but it is …
The Land of Pain begins with the protagonist who goes to his mountain hut in search of a bit of peace. Following a path that leads to a beautiful forest, …
n October 2017, overloaded with interesting titles and masterpieces, South Park: Scontri Di-retti managed to catch the attention of the fans of the TV series of the same name …
Write Piranha Bytes and immediately comes to mind the saga that has consecrated them, that of Gothic. The first two chapters were a success, considered by the press of the …
FROM COMICS TO VIDEO GAMES As you remember who tried the original game, the story of Rogue Trooper Redux is based on the comic book created by Gerry Finley-Day and …
We therefore welcomed the release of WWE 2K18 with great curiosity, hoping for a re-thinking by the developers regarding the presence of the showcase, the single player mode …
There is an extremely labile limit which divides citationism from the plotting. Cinematographically speaking, the idea is unanimous that no one has ever been able to kidnap and amalgamate the …