Ova Magica Meets 1031% Kickstarter Goal – review Addiction

Four days remain until the campaign finale for Kickstarter farm life simulator and monster taming Ova magica… But the creators of the game have long had nothing to worry about: the modest goal of 25 thousand dollars has been achieved by 1,031%. At the same time, for the very first day, fees amounted to more than 230% of the planned amount.

Claudia Gorski, a programmer and game designer from Germany, is working on the game. She is assisted by a freelance artist from Thailand and a musician from England. And the American publishing house Top Hat Studios provides console versions and prepares boxed editions.

In Ova Magica we have to take care of our own farm, tame strange animals, make friends and romance in the nearest city, go on expeditions, fight wild monsters, do crafts and everything else that we expect from a game of this kind.

The game launches on PC, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series in 2023. At the time of release, Russian localization is not promised, but the creators of the game plan to add more languages ​​over time.

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