NVIDIA will skip MWC 2023 due to coronavirus – review

Nvidia reported on her blog that she would not send her employees to the exhibition Mobile World Congress 2023 in Barcelona. The green team has already notified the organizers of this decision. The reason was an increased risk of coronavirus.

The company said that ensuring the safety of colleagues, partners and customers is the highest priority. NVIDIA also announced that they wanted to present their new developments in the field of AI and fifth-generation mobile networks at the exhibition, but now the announcements will clearly be postponed.

It is still unclear how much the failure of the “green” will affect the exhibition, because the company is one of the key sponsors of the event. It is hoped that it will not be canceled.

Earlier, the company has already refused to participate in MWC Ericssonas well as the mobile unit LG. It is possible that in the coming weeks, others will join the list. The event itself is expected to be held from February 24 to 26. It is possible that AMD will show there their new video cards Big navi.

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