“Not coming to Xbox One?” Halo Infinite developer explained for the version of the shooter for the last generation console

Lack of mention Xbox one and Xbox one x on the resume of the lead user interface designer Halo infinite Chad Mirshak from the studio 343 Industries gave rise to alarming assumptions among fans of the series about the cancellation of the shooter in versions for the previous generation consoles, and someone even managed to rejoice at this against the backdrop of a depressing state Cyberpunk 2077

However, community manager at 343 Industries John Unishek reassured fans on Twitter, stating that Halo: Infinite on Xbox One is definitely in development… The studio will show new footage after the New Year holidays.

Halo Infinite is slated for release in fall 2023. The shooter will be released immediately on Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One | X and PC.

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