New Year eSports instagram: n0tail getting ready for TI10

Nikola NiKo Kovacs and Yanko YNk Paunovich We went to visit Marcelo coldzera david to Brazil, Russell Twistzz Van Dalken celebrated Christmas with mom and Michael Kane Blagin decided to shoot from this AK. This and more – in the latest eSports instagram of 2019.

On christmas holidays Patrick f0rest Lindbergh with his wife visited Prague.

PHOTOSESSION Chaos on the streets of Malmö.


The Balkans and Brazilians are brothers forever.

Jordan n0thing gilbert shut up the cook.

Active rest is the best rest, considers Adam Friberg Freeberg.

FROM Duncan Thorin Shields jokes are bad.

Another serious uncle – Jamal Jamside Saydayev.

Johan n0tail Sundstein slowly preparing for The International 2023.

Christopher GeT_RiGhT Alesund sample of 2009.

Cybercademia Danila Zeus Teslenko serious mentor.

The beauty of Austrian Schladming from Matthias MSL Lauridsen.

Holiday greetings!