Facade Thieves
As more and more articulated than that of Tomodachi Life, the narrative segment at Miitopia’s base immediately reveals what can be expected from the product: totally absurd comedy, characters out of schematic schemes and slapstick scenes to no longer can.
In the joyous realm of Miitopia, where everything seems to go for the best, with the birds that chirp and the vegetation that grows lush and dense, no one believes the possibility that something could darken the blue sky and bring a shadow to the hearts of the all inhabitants.
Nevertheless, it is exactly what happens: crushed out of nowhere, the Duke of Evil (who, like all other characters, will have the features decided by the player) decided to steal the faces of the people, “sticking” them then stickers on other living things , thus creating an army of hybrid hybrid monsters.
The reason why, at least initially, is not known, but it is well known that many antagonists just want to see the world burn (cit.): Fortunately, not everyone is helpless in the face of the threat, and the player will be called to to impersonate the only hero able to become the armed arm of the gods, who seem to be opposed to the dark structures of the Duke.
And so, giving the Mii escort on your console (or scoring new ones through QR code, perhaps via the miicharacters.com portal, which we recommend), we will have to form a party of adventurers, assigning each of them a specific class of you are beginning and taking them to a long and perilous journey, based on night snacks, friendships lurking in the casual guest rooms and shuffle fighting in the most classic of Japanese traditions.
Where Tomodachi Life was made bearing a nonsense relatively virgin comedy in the field of gaming, that arrived from Japan with the same vis phenomena such as Tamagotchi and Pokemon, Miitopia can not count on the surprise, leans to the classic topos of role-playing games, shaking their way, chewing them up and reassuring them in a spurious, unusual form, albeit perfectly adhering to rhetorical canons such as changing gear, classes and tournament battles.
Once again, the excellent work done on adaptation Italian makes the most of puns, double meanings and completely out of his mind sentences, crafting a kind of peculiar and unusual humor that leave you indifferent and will make some other crazy.
One-handed JRPG
To describe Miitopia in a sufficiently well-cared manner it would be enough to say that it represents the ruinistic version of Tomodachi Life: if the bizarre relationships of friendship, hatred and love that the protagonists of the 2014 title would be summed up as a hood, sword and an unlikely antagonist to defeat, had Miitopia.
Yet at the same time, in the last effort of the big N there is much more (but much less) of this: we have a “lite” role play, suitable for all ages, located in a striking way (as often happens with Nintendo) and can be used in very short gameplay sessions, perhaps taking the console and the smartphone in one hand, since the level of attention required, especially during the exploration phases, is really reduced to bone.
The other face of the medal is the passivity of gaming experience, the over-simplification of many canonical elements of the reference genre and the feeling of having little control over almost anything that is on screen, generally deleterious for each title who carries the “role-playing” label.
It consists of a four-character party during the first few hours of play, giving the Mii background to the console or scoring new ones through QR code (currently we are traveling with Whoopi Goldberg, Heath Ledger Joker and John Lennon), the player is left on a map that remembers much the most popular Nintendo platforms, rather than that of any Dragon Quest.