The experiment showed that the Chrome browser can use up to 1.4 TB of RAM – review

The Chrome browser is well known for its speed and gluttony in terms of RAM. In both of these indicators, it is ahead of the old version of Firefox. And so technoblogger Jonathan Morrison conducted an experiment, trying to open the maximum number of tabs in a web browser.

To do this, he used the Mac Pro for 3 million rubles with 1.5 TB of RAM and a 24-core Intel Xeon W. processor. As it turned out, the browser is able to open over 6,000 tabs using 1.4 TB of RAM. However, after this the program crashed, although all other applications worked normally.

The blogger conducted a kind of broadcast on Twitter, where he showed, including a short video with the amount of memory used. Note that the number of tabs does not always correlate with the amount of RAM used.

It looks like this:

  • With 2,000 tabs, 75 GB was taken.
  • At 5000 – 170 GB.
  • At 6000 – already 857 GB.
  • Over 6000 – from 1 TB to 1.4 TB.

Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will need so many tabs, but the experiment itself is very interesting.

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