It’s more fun to play together: Sony unveils co-op games for PlayStation 5 in new promotional video

I remind people what awaits them in the future.

The metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of a person experience a constant load, because for a normal quality of life he has to make fine motor movements every minute – from simple grasping ones (take an apple, open a door, hold a cutlery) to very small and complex ones (they determine the handwriting of a person, his the ability to sew and knit, play instruments, and much more). The more intensely the fingers are loaded, the more wear is exposed to the cartilage tissue, which covers the heads of the phalangeal bones, forming the articular surface. This cartilaginous layer, washed by synovial fluid, allows the bones not to rub against each other when moving, but to slide, as it were, and also plays the role of a natural shock absorber (for example, during shock movements, without which it is impossible to type on the keyboard).

Your life is up to you!