Humankind’s new diary dedicated to the power of diplomacy – review addiction

Not so long ago the studio Amplitude announced the postponement of the release date of the turn-based global strategy Humankind on 17 August. They decided to devote the freed up time to a more complete study of game systems. And the developer’s new diary was dedicated to one of these systems, diplomacy.

In the struggle for global domination, war and combat are part of the strategy. But this is only one part and one of the possible paths. You can achieve what you want in other ways – with the help of diplomacy.

Players are promised to be given the broadest opportunities to develop and change relationships with neighbors and other empires. And in order for artificial intelligence to perceive our attitude towards rivals, it is necessary to show it by various actions: send angry notes, make claims, bargain and negotiate.

If you managed to establish good relations with another power, you can create an Alliance with it. This alliance opens up access to a more profitable level of cooperation. But in order to enjoy the benefits, you have to bear responsibility: for example, to help an ally in his wars.

More information about the diplomacy system, its mechanics and capabilities can be found on the official website.

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