There are a lot of Easter eggs and references to World of Warcraft. Blizzard actively works with the community and does not skimp on fan service, monitors trends and adds iconic elements from TV series, books, movies and other games to MMORPGs. I will tell you about my favorites in detail in this article.
Splinter and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the Dalaran Sewers
I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since the Wrath of the Lich King expansion and this was my first Easter egg I found. Then I was young and did not waste time reading every quest, so I probably missed a lot, but there was not a single chance to pass by Splinter and the Ninja Turtles in the cloaca of old Dalaran! In the updated magic city, references are also available, and from a special merchant you can buy young mutant war turtles for the Cloaca currency.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in World of Warcraft
I’ll be back – Terminator’s hand
When playing WoW, you need to pay attention to details more often, and it is also useful to get really lost. This works not only in new dungeons, but also in the oldest ones. For example, in one of the corners of the inhospitable dungeon “Black Mountain” you can find a reference to the Terminator – there is an iron hand on the shore of a lava lake. The same is in the treasury at the entrance to Utgarde Pinnacle.
Punch cards in Gnomeregan
In the city of gnomes, players can get punch cards, the data on which is written using a binary code. Having passed the information through the decoder, you can find out a lot of dwarf fantasies. In addition to appeals to play World of Warcraft more and more often, punch cards contain hidden messages like “Help! I’m locked in a punch card factory! ”,“ The Dwarf King wears night elf underwear ”and even shippers’ jokes -“ Thrall and Jaina are sitting in a tree, C-E-L-U-U-T-S-Z ”. Apparently, this is a hint of the community’s love for unusual pairings in fanfiction.
“Matrix” – there is no spoon in WoW
There are several references to The Matrix in World of Warcraft. For example, the guards of Ironforge, when you ask them how to get to the local alchemist, sigh sadly: “And why did I choose not a blue potion?” And in the description of the trash “Rough cutlery” it says: “There is no spoon!” This is a direct reference to the Wachowski cult movie, the scene in which Neo first visited the Oracle of the Oracle.
Crime and Punishment
In the “Stormwind Prison” dungeon, you can complete two seemingly completely unrelated quests. One of them is called “Crime and Punishment” and the other is called “The Color of Blood”. In this case, the second quest is given to you by an NPC named Nikova Split. Try swapping his first and last names.
Luke from the TV series “Lost”
A small island on the Lake of Bitter Waves in the Sholazar Lowland keeps the secret of one of the most popular TV series of the 2000s – “Lost”. There is a hatch on it, which has been the main mystery of the island for several seasons. Geographically, the lake is located in Northrend – the location of the Wrath of the Lich King add-on, which was released in 2008, that is, two years before the end of the series, but after Jack Shepard got inside the hatch, he found a button there and lost his faith. On the hatch from WoW, the numbers that the heroes had to enter into the computer before it exploded have been changed – a unit has been added to each number of the mysterious chain 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.
“True Detective”
For killing the boss Archimonde before the release of Update 7.0. gave the achievement “Time is a flat circle.” This phrase was uttered by the protagonist of the series “True Detective” Rustin Cole, completely it sounds like this: “Time is a flat circle. And whatever we do, we will do the same over and over again. ” Indeed, WoW players are endlessly battling the strongest bosses, and this is unlikely to end soon.
“World of the Wild West”
It seems that the series “Westworld” was released quite recently, but quotes from it have already managed to get into World of Warcraft. A legendary item for priests called “Zek’s Exterminatus” has an additional description: “Do you think I’m afraid of death? I’ve died a million times. I do it great. And how many deaths do you have behind your shoulders? ” Blizzard added the phrase to the game just a few days after the release of the series, where the same words are said by Maeve Millay.
Elizabeth from BioShock and Geralt with Buttercup from The Witcher
The beauty of Elizabeth Birdsong roams Stormwind. If you talk to the NPC, she will kindly tell you that she is not local. The heroine of BioShock Infinite knows how to travel between worlds, so her appearance in WoW is even logical, and the character’s surname hints at a connection with the nightingale guardian.
Surprisingly, yet another famous traveler to fantastic worlds, Princess Cyril of The Witcher, has not yet been found in WoW. However, in the beta version of Shadowlands found a reference to her named father Geralt of Rivia and his faithful friend Dandelion.
Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all
Traveling through Stormsong Valley, you can stumble upon a large company copied from the pages of Milne’s children’s book. At the secret meeting, you can see Christopher Robin, who grew up and became a hunter, Eeyore donkey, distinguished by a melancholic outlook on life, a pig, a tiger and the bear itself.
Austin Powers cat
Mr. Bigglesworth can be added to the collection by players who will collect all raid pets from the classic version of WoW. According to lore, this is Kel’Thuzad’s cat and to some extent a death knight among felines – this is hinted at by the glowing mustache. Doctor Evil from the Austin Powers film series had a very similar Persian cat, Bigglesworth, that had been frozen and lost its fur.
Hawking, professor of space and time
The legendary Mysteries of Time and Space shoulder pads for Legion warlocks have a rather unusual description for items. After the main characteristics, the player can read the quote: “” The increase in chaos over time is what allows you to distinguish the past from the future, to determine the direction of time “- Hawking, professor of space and time.”
Loch Ness monster
Blizzard could not resist and added to the game at once two references to the mysterious monster from the Scottish lake. I believe that the real Nessie can be seen traveling on the underground train from Stormwind to Ironforge – if you’re lucky, she might pass by halfway. The main thing is to drive through the tunnel at the right moment, since the monster is moving, and not waiting for a crowd of players staring at him.
Nessie appeared in the classic version of the game, so users built up a huge number of theories about her and tried to kill many times by getting behind the glass through the textures. But Blizzard did not allow players to harm Nessie: the developers not only set up a barrier, but also made her invulnerable. Another monster from Lake Lok in Lok Modan can be killed, but this is useless – the character will not receive any loot or experience.
Platform 9 and ¾ in the “Depot of Dark Paths”
Everyone knows that the Muggle will not be able to get to platform 9 and ¾ – the magic barrier will not let him through. However, Harry Potter also had problems crossing the border between the worlds of wizards and ordinary people. One of the installations reminds us of this incident – a trolley with a suitcase, a cage and a magic hat was stuck in the wall of the Depot of Dark Paths from the Warlords of Draenor expansion. A snow-white owl is circling over the crash site – Buklya is in shock!
Finding this place is not easy. On the second floor of the dungeon, you will not only have to walk along a thin beam without the right to make a mistake, but also use the spell “Jump” of the magician or “Break” of the hunter in order to cross the invisible wall, added by the cunning magician-game designer.
The Little Mermaid Ariel’s Comb
WoW was created by an American studio in English. Despite a good adaptation, which often makes it easier to perceive certain features like the replacement of Haris Pilton with Psenia Kobchak, some references do not reach us. For example, it is almost impossible to discern in the name of a fabric store “Tailor of Cities” a hint of “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens.
The translation killed the joke based on Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Some naga drop a gray item called Shiny Hollow, which is common junk. In English, it is called Shiny Dinglehopper: the mermaid Ariel gave that name to the fork, mistaking it for a comb, but the word cannot be translated into Russian. Some nagas (essentially mermaids) carry an object with them – they comb their hair.
Sword from South Park episode about WoW
One of the most famous episodes of South Park is called Make Love, Not Warcraft. In it, Eric Cartman and his friends play WoW, encounter a cheater-nagger and use the most powerful weapon – the sword of a Thousand Truths. There was no such item in the game, but Blizzard still could not resist and added it after the success of the series, changing the name to “The Killer of All Inanimate”, but copying the appearance. The description of the weapon says that a certain Salzman predicted its appearance in the game – in the cartoon it is explained that this is an accounting officer.
Due to the translation into Russian and the need to know the original source, the depth of the joke is slightly lost. The name of the sword in English is Slayer of the Lifeless, which is also a direct reference to South Park. In the cartoon, a fictional Blizzard employee asked: “How can one kill that which has no life?”
The love of WoW developers for references is endless, and the difficulty of detecting them increases from patch to patch. Until now, there are not only unsolved riddles, but certainly not found ones. I also note that in WoW not only references are common, but also large-scale puzzles that hundreds of people solve in the most unusual ways. Perhaps we will talk about this in the next article. In the meantime, share your favorite finds and cool stories from the world of military craft in the comments.