Ghost 1.0 – 1.1 Update Missions Mode

The extra content includes twelve short independent missions, which can be completed each time in five to fifteen minutes. Do not be deceived by these premises: Missions Mode will work for you for a long time, especially if you decide to complete it in every single aspect.


Each mission involves three unlockable goals, one of which will be obtained with the simple (it is said to be) completion of the mission, while the other two will be released only by performing specific actions, which often and willingly makes it all the


more complicated than it is not already. As we have already said these missions are designed for colors who have faced the challenges posed by the Ghostadventure 1.0, so much so that they will not be available right away, but will go unlocked with the achievement of certain points in the game. This, as well as a mere matter of difficulty, has been put in order to prevent early detection of the most advanced mechanics that the title has to offer. Those who have already completed Ghost’s epic will find the complete package available in the appropriate section of the main menu.

With the due premise we go to the point of the question, namely the quality and value of this novel Missions Mode. We cut our heads to the bull telling you immediately how this new mode is marked by the same quality that characterizes the basic game.The missions present are not only numerically satisfactory, but each of them is totally unique,


capable of pushing to the extreme certain aspects of gameplay in order to offer a challenging, yes, but rewarding and entertaining experience.We were more than surprised to see how creative these challenges were, putting ourselves in situations where manual skill was necessarily alongside a precise strategic approach, so that we could exploit the very few resources available to our advantage. If we want to make some examples, we may mention the ”


Intrusion Aikido” mission, in which we will not have any chance of harming the enemies unless they use the same blows against them, or even “The Exchanger”, where destroying an opponent will teleport us into his position. Although with some variability, each challenge is characterized by the same kind of bizarre features, thus creating a new gameplay declination from time to time to learn and master a bit like twelve different games. If you can still complete most of the missions with a bit of healthy workout, there is a difference in speech about secondary goals, many of which will requi


re a dose of patience worthy of an ascetic and a natural predisposition to sadism. You will easily understand how difficult it can be to keep your health level more than 50% in a mission full of enemies of explosive weapons, as well as to complete all your challenges without ever jumping or crouching. Anyone who wants to go to the test will certainly find bread for their teeth. many of which will require a dose of patience worthy of an ascetic and a natural predisposition to sadism. You will


easily understand how difficult it can be to keep your health level more than 50% in a mission full of enemies of explosive weapons, as well as to complete all your challenges without ever jumping or crouching. Anyone who wants to go to the test will certainly fi


nd bread for their teeth. many of which will require a dose of patience worthy of an ascetic and a natural predisposition to sadism. You will easily understand how difficult it can be to keep your health level more than 50% in a mission full of enemies of explosive weapons, as well as to complete all your challenges without ever jumping or crouching. Anyone who wants to go to the test will certainly find bread for their teeth.

Ghost 1.0 - 1.1 Update