Category: The Witcher
After yesterday’s news about transfer Cyberpunk 2077 guide CD Projekt RED also confirmed that the planned multiplayer component of the game will appear only after 2023. The Polish studio …
Developers of one of the most anticipated games of this year Cyberpunk 2077 shocked fans with the news that the ambitious project will not be released on the specified …
American Publishing Division Orbit books reported that while waiting for the audience to premiere the series The witcher from Netflix demand for books from the cycle “The witcher“Polish writer …
Not even a month has passed since the successful premiere of the first season of the series The Witcher about the adventures of Geralt from an American company Netflixas …
Showranner “The witcher“Lauren Hissrich in an interview with IGN said that the script for the second season has already been written, but the premiere will still take place only …
Edition IGN in conversation with Lauren Hissrich asked show runner The Witcher from Netflix to comment on the desire of Mark Hamill in the series to play the role …
Company Netflix tried to explain the confused plot of the first season of the series “The Witcher” with different timelines to those who did not understand anything, but in …
Showranner “The witcher“Lauren Hissrich in a recent interview spoke about how the team of the series plans to end the story of Geralt, Ciri and Yennifer. The question arose …
In the popular game “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt“, Created by a developer company CD Projekt RED, showed a new generation of graphics indistinguishable from reality. Halk Hogan launches …
Cosplayers Vitaliy Einer and Christina of Rivia tried on the images of Buttercup and Priscilla from The Witcher. The plot photo session about the love and jealousy of the …