Category: Popular Games
No matter how difficult it was to choose the best player of the year in Dota 2, where the team means a lot more individual skills, we still did …
Developer Tim Soret summed up the year for the studio Odd tales, which is developing a stylish 2.5D platformer The last nightpresented to the public at E3 2017. During …
The witcher from Netflix in December became the most popular series in the world, managing to get around “Mandalorian“from Disney +. This was reported by representatives of an analytical …
Cosplayers prepared a festive photoset from The Witcher fandom. Geralt, Jennifer, Ciri, Buttercup, Hyalmar en Krayt and Keris an Krayt participate in the feast. Photos published on VKontakte. Krayts …
Former employee Tango gameworks and star E3 2019 Ikumi Nakamura told in Twitterthat next year wants to attend many different events. Among 2023 shows listed by Nakamura are German …
In honor of the upcoming New Year holidays, Valve decided to arrange a new large-scale campaign, thanks to which players from all over the world can pick up the …
Caution: serious analytics from the developer with charts, reports, memes. An employee of a large gaming company, in the eyes of the community, is always a developer, and it …
Portal Kotaku named the best game trailers of the decade. The authors of the list note that the top is subjective, so there were no clear criteria for its …
A team of enthusiasts from Team arklay, as previously promised, introduced an expanded version of the gameplay demo remake Dino crisis on the engine Unreal engine 4which he is …
Harmful geese, bad cops and living dead. About nomination “Game of the Year” is not necessarily a huge budget, a team of several hundred people and a major publisher. …