Category: Popular Games
Creators Fortnite decided not to separate Rika and his younger friend Mortyby adding equipment to the battle royale Mehamorti and other things of the hero of the animated series. …
Known Youtube-channel Digital dreams continues its attempts to stretch the graphics of relatively old games to unattainable heights. And the new video is again dedicated to Grand theft auto …
Independent studio Dreambyte Games released a trailer for the gameplay of the future cooperative horror Forewarned… It is, however, very short, and the action takes place mainly in the …
A model under the nickname artgorn0.0 made a cosplay for Yennefer from Vengerberg from The Witcher. Photos are posted on the girl’s instagram. -> -> Artgorn0.0 made both the …
At the end of October 2023, the company Disney plans to renew the contract with the head of the studio Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy… The editor-in-chief of the Geekosity portal …
Independent studio Vethergen and publishing Crytivo have announced the official release date for the RPG adventure game Serin Fate… She will leave Early Access Steam On August 25th, coming …
A World of Warcraft player drew a map of Azeroth with a realistic climate. The author, under the nickname Amnikarr13, noted that the mainland Northrend, which appeared in the …
Streaming service Netflix signed a long-term contract with the showrunner of the series “Witcher” Lauren Schmidt Hissrich for her participation as a screenwriter and producer in the production of …
The creator of custom modifications Scissors123454321 has released a release version of his global mod Full Gameplay Rebalance… As the name suggests, it has overhauled most aspects of the …
Studio Moonlight kids and publishing division Humble games announced about the new release of a stylish story adventure The wild at heart… The puzzle about an unusual walk in …