Category: Popular Games
The extended first season of Minecraft: Story Mode ended on a massive high, leaving myself and many other gamers open to the possibility of additional tales in the future. …
Take a lane and push back the enemy in Paragon. A MOBA by Epic Games that tries to find its place among the strong competition. Still in beta and …
Developed by Tozai, the same studio behind the Switch title Minna de Wai Wai! Spelunker, Lode Runner Legacy is a (as of now) PC exclusive title which attempts to bring the classic …
Blade Runner fuses together a morally ambivalent story about godhood with a visual panache that has shaped cinematic science fiction since its 1982 release. While it has inspired many games …
Kingdoms and Castles Review Put on that crown and lead your people to prosperity, Kingdoms and Castles gives you the lay of the land to settle and expand your …
I played the latest Dragon Ball FighterZ at Anime Expo a few weeks back, and I loved every moment with it. With Evo just passing, FighterZ appears to have settled itself as one …
Crash Force (PC) is a game developed and published by Ascanio Entertainment, which was released on Steam in January of this year. Described by Ascanio as “an amalgamation of the …
Doctor Kvorak’s Obliteration Game Review Doctor Kvorak’s Obliteration Game (or simply Doctor Kvorak) is a long in development puzzle game that’s finally released on Steam. What started as an …
If you get giddy with excitement every time an NPC asks you to fetch a pile of sticks for them, Yonder The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is the game for …
De Mambo‘s developers, The Dangerous Kitchen, aren’t one to shy away from their influences. De Mambo was devised as a way of distracting the developers from scouring the internet for Smash Bros. news …