Category: Grand Theft Auto
Fans of the crime fighter series Grand Theft Auto keep asking developers from Rockstar games share at least some news about the next full game in the famous franchise. …
Appeared yesterday on 4chan details of the new part of the action adventure Saints row do not correspond to reality. The senior PR manager of Deep Silver announced this …
Possible details of the new part appeared on the network Saints row, which is currently being developed by the studio Volition… The information was originally posted on 4chan by …
At the beginning of last summer, fans of the incredibly ambitious space simulator Star citizen encouraged developers to share news on production plans for the game and explain the …
Company Rockstar games for a long time kept complete silence with regard to everything related to rumors about Grand theft auto vi, which hasn’t even been officially announced yet. …
Not only Tarantino’s or Tarkovsky’s films, but also many video games can boast of strong and memorable dialogues. Through the conversations of the heroes, we better get to know …
Beyond the next generation console versions Playstation 5 and Xbox series x, company Rockstar games also preparing to release the cult open-world crime thriller Grand theft auto v on …
Writer and producer of almost all games in the series Grand Theft Auto Laszlo Jones left the company Rockstar games after 20 years of work. It happened back in …
Music is one of the most underrated parts of video games. Most do not attach much importance to it, although without a good soundtrack even the best titles would …
Many people love hunting and fishing, but they rarely get out on them – the busy work schedule, the high cost of hobbies and the need for careful planning …