Category: New Game Release
Experimental Action Upcoming DEATHLOOP from the team Arkane Studios will not allow players to create a large single save file. This decision was made taking into account the general …
Sold worldwide as of 30 June 2023 89,040,000 consoles families Nintendo Switch… Relevant information is contained in the quarterly report Nintendopresented today, August 5… Over the past three months, …
EA conducted a quarterly report – the annual figures fell by several percent, but turned out to be higher than the expectations of the company itself. A year earlier, …
Computer versions Horizon zero dawn and Days gone proved to be successful and convinced Sony Interactive Entertainment the need to continue porting games from consoles Playstation on the PC… …
Publisher Bilibili and developers from the studio TiGames announced that their metroidvania F.I.S.T .: Forged in Shadow Torch went to gold. This means that the game about a cybernetic …
08/04/2023 19:28 If the video does not playone. Basic: Update your browser and install the latest Adobe Flash Player.2. Try using a different browser.3. Disable anti-banner plugins and programs.4. …
Headset Specifications PlayStation VR 2preparing for the next generation console Playstation 5should pleasantly surprise fans – Sony prepares an impressive and modern device. The relevant information was shared by …
Amazon postponed the premiere for the fourth time New world – this time only for a month, from August 31 to September 28. The hugely popular MMORPG testing allowed …
Answering investors’ questions, executives Capcom called the PC gaming market “huge” and “significant” for content producers. Almost all Japanese companies are releasing multiplatform PC games today, which helps to …
September 3 Sucker punch will release Ghost of Tsushima: Legends a separate edition. On the same day, a new section “Rivals“, Which will be free for all owners of …