Category: New Game Release
Polish publishing house Playway introduced the debut trailer of the game Radiancein which players will take on the role of a nuclear power plant employee who needs to monitor …
Today, video cards and monitors use the HDMI 2.0 connection standard. However startup EVE Technology already started collecting pre-orders for the monitor Spectrumwhich is equipped with two HDMI 2.1 …
May 14th psychological action thriller Alan wake ten years old. The original game was released in 2010 as an exclusive Xbox 360, after which, two years later, appeared on …
Company today Ubisoft held a meeting with investors, which reported on the financial performance of its work for the year. Compared to the previous reporting period, sales decreased to …
The animation season for animated films in Japan continues. Another victim of infection COVID-19 has become 23rd feature film from a series of pocket monsters. Premiere ribbon Pokemon the …
May 14th Nintendo announced new game in the series Paper mariosubtitled The origami king. The platform holder promises to release the project on the Nintendo Switch in July 2023. …
2K Publisher Announces Golf Simulator Release Date PGA Tour 2K21 from developers from HB Studios. The release of the new game will take place on August 21 of this …
3D Realms and 1C Entertainment published a new first-person shooter trailer Ion furydedicated to the launch of console versions of the game in digital format. Physical publications should go …
Company Nintendo preparing for release on console Switch reissue strategy Picmin 3. About this with reference to its sources, the publication reports Venturebeat. The announcement and release of the …
Role-playing game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Game of the Year Edition will soon be available to users of another popular digital platform – Epic Games Store. This …