Category: New Game Release
Game division of the company Amazon decided to postpone the release of its ambitious MMO for the third time New world… The launch of the game was planned in …
In addition to various visual and technical improvements, a collection of classic role-playing games Mass Effect Legendary Edition studio BioWare will also suggest certain adjustments to the trilogy’s gameplay. …
Dynamic action Godfall studio Counterplay games and publishing houses Gearbox Publishing got a massive discount at a digital store PlayStation Store… Buy now console exclusive Playstation 5 can at …
A couple of months ago studio Gamedust and publishing Perp Games announced that the platform puzzle for virtual reality Yupitergrad will be released on PlayStation VR. And now they …
Owned Sony Interactive Entertainment team Sucker Punch Productionsknown for games like inFamous and Ghost of tsushimacontinues to expand its staff. The developers are now looking for a senior writer …
Publisher Square enix together with developers from Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal dated the release of an improved version Marvel’s Avengers for Xbox Series X / S and Playstation …
The network has information about the timing of the expected animated film Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0 Thrice Upon a Time… According to current data, the duration of the painting …
Company Microsoft and Asobo Studio announced the release of the third world update Microsoft Flight Simulatordedicated to Ireland and Great Britain. The update includes updated 3D photogrammetry for the …
Company Gaijin Entertainment announced the release of the update “ice Age”For a brutal online shooter CRSED: F.OA.D… This winter, all F.O.A.D. the new ritual “Buran” will freeze, the wounded …
Studio Live Motion Gamesknown by Train station renovation, named the release date of her next project. Sapper Simulator Sapper – Defuse The Bomb Simulator will be available in Steam …