Category: Games TOP
Actual for the platform: PC Games from the series Sniper: Ghost Warrior from polish Ci games, for all their beauties and a fairly detailed implementation of the work of …
Fallout 76 bugs,is full of bugs. Flying opponents and their corpses, enemies stuck in textures, characters who fall through textures. follow us on facebook Periodically disappearing objects … the list …
Fallout 76, the first online part of the series, will be released on November 14. follow us on facebook Players will again come out of their shelters and go …
Valkyria Chronicles 4 isn’t a continuation of the story of the first action game focusing this time on the Federation armed forces in the fight against the invasion of …
Well, it’s time to tell about the Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4 from the studios Rockstar Games Perhaps the worst thing you can do in a review of Red Dead …
Spider-Man The Heist is a good addition to a great game that may not offer anything new, but it looks like a great seed to an amazing story. follow …
It will be on September 4, 2018 to bring two new destinations, a new PvE / PvP Gambit mode and a new portion of the story to be more …
Adventure games, despite the popularity of the genre and the already established formula for their implementation. follow us on facebook and like our page The Uncharted series was completed, …
Proper tactical team shooter, which would use a realistic setting, and not to go to extremes such as the future, or a hundred years ago wars, very difficult to …
This is the world of “Warcraft”! It is worth the chief boss of the addition to leave – the old unions are collapsing, and people with orcs remember that there …