Category: Game Type
On the official website of an American company HP appeared page with a teaser image and a brief description of the new virtual reality device. According to the information …
Japanese publishing house Square enix announced plans to launch new toys based on the game Nier: Automata. You can pre-order them now in North America. We are talking about …
Google has canceled the annual conference for developers of Google I / O 2023. This event was supposed to be held on May 12, but because of the coronavirus …
Half-Life: Alyx will leave Gordon Freeman beyond the scope of history, however, Valve has already stated that the upcoming game is a return to the franchise, and not its …
Referring to its independent sources portal Slashfilm announced the appearance in the second season of the series “Mandaloretz“unexpected character. It’s about the Jedi Ahsoke Tano – one of the …
Studio Standing stone games announced an action aimed at improving the life or at least the mood of those who were forced to quarantine. She completely opened for players …
Virtual Reality Helmet Buyers Vive Cosmos Elite will receive a free copy of the flagship VR shooter Half-Life: Alyx. This was reported today by the company. HTC and Valve. …
Company Ubisoft announced About the free trial Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Everyone can play a role-playing action from March 19 to March 22 at Playstation 4, Xbox one and PC, …
Studio Beat games reportedthat selling her popular rhythm game for VR devices Beat saber have reached marks in 2 million copieswhich is a very impressive result for a VR …
Released in October 2018, role-playing action Assassin’s creed odyssey For a long time I had active post-release support for free downloadable content. Ubisoft added new chapters, bosses and historical …