Category: Xbox
Studio Ninja theory now working on three projects at once, but most of the gamers’ attention is focused on the game Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, which is created with …
Creative director SIE Santa Monica Studio Corey barlog defended the studio CD Projekt REDwhich postponed the release date Cyberpunk 2077. According to the game designer, all games are poorly …
The first real photos of the new generation Xbox console from Microsoft appeared on the network, on which the gaming platform is shown from several sides. On social networks, …
“Live” photos of the pre-production console model appeared on the network Xbox Series X. Pictures posted by one of the forum users Neogaf, and later their accuracy was confirmed …
All games that are confirmed for the Xbox Series X or are likely to see the light on the new Microsoft console. Microsoft will launch a new console at …
Gary whitt, a famous American screenwriter, answered in the framework of the AMA session the question of one of the fans who asked what game the writer would like …
In the spring of 2017, the creators Alan wake and Alan Wake’s American Nightmare were forced to stop digital sales of games due to legal issues related to the …
Thanks new post on twitter Phil Spencer it became known that the head of the Xbox, along with his team is currently located in Japan. According to him, Microsoft …
Company Bethesda Game Studios, which is developing the next generation action The elder scrolls 6, finally revealed the latest information on the status expected by millions of fans of …
It became known that the expected post-apocalyptic action The last of us 2 may lose its exclusivity status for Sony gaming platforms and go to PC. Attentive gamers on …