Category: Game Platforms
Apparently, the company Blizzard is exploring the possibility of releasing an add-on The burning crusade for IMO World of Warcraft Classic. This is evidenced by a survey initiated by …
After the announcement of the release date Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition the network has a large selection of screenshots and several videos comparing the graphics of the updated and …
Fantastic comedy series “Man of the future“(Future Man) is waiting for the third, final season. It will be shorter than usual: only eight episodes. They will all appear on …
YouTube channel of Russian youtuber Vladislav Chekunov previously came to the attention of gaming publications last year after the publication of an excellent video where the race from the …
Tommy Vaisowho became famous as a director, producer and actor of the film, disassembled into memes and quotes, “Room“(2003), which is also considered by many critics as the worst …
Enthusiast named Alex Vukovich released a fresh version of the modification The witcher 3 redux, which brings many small changes to the role-playing game mechanics from CD Projekt RED. …
Publishing house Titan comics in collaboration with developers from Guerrilla games Launches New Adventure Action Comic Series Horizon Zero Dawn. The plot of the comic book, authored by Ann …
The network has appeared system requirements remake Resident evil 3network asymmetric Resident Evil: Resistance and tactical action Gears tactics. Resident Evil 3 and Resistance Minimum Requirements OS – 64-bit …
We previously reported that the founder of the YouTube channel Valve news network Tyler McVicker broadcast on Twitch, in which he demonstrated how Half-Life: Alyx works without a VR …
Series Sniper ghost warrior from the Polish studio Ci games has never been too successful either commercially or in terms of critical reviews. However, in last year’s tactical shooter …