Category: Game Platforms
Many have heard about weddings in online games, but not everyone knows how unusual virtual ceremonies go. Sometimes lovers who met on the network, enter into unions to check …
The network has a possible release date Assassin’s: Creed Valhalla. Potential leak detected by one of the participants Reddit on the local retailer’s website, who opened pre-orders for the …
Despite past statements by developers that large-scale expansion Shadowlands for World of warcraft should start this year, until recently, we had no indicative dates. Latest major company releases Blizzard, …
Despite several release postponements and the recent scandal surrounding a major spoiler gameplay leak The Last of Us: Part II degree of expectation of a new large exclusive console …
Perm studio Morteshka rendered on Kickstarter your role playing card game Black bookbased on Russian folklore. The creators need to raise 35 thousand dollars, and they have 31 days …
On the company website Creation studio was presented a new figure of one of the sexiest female characters – girl android 2B from action Nier: Automata from Platinum games. …
Official site Summer Game Fest 2023 published a preliminary schedule of events that will be held this summer under the “roof” of the digital festival. The list is not …
Company Sony Interactive Entertainment announced on the official blog Playstation about two new promotions that started today in a digital store PS Store. The first concernsOffers of the week” …
Streets of Rage is a cult series in the beat ’em up genre that we all loved in childhood. The original game was released back in 1991 and became …
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, filming of all films and series Marvel studios paused, but the company continues to engage in projects on a remote site and is now …