Category: Game Developers NEWS
The sequel to the hit hit animated film in 2018 was launched into full production.Spider-Man: Through the Universes“. News from the lead animator Nika Kondoreporting on his page in …
Unconfirmed information appeared on the network that the company Atlus, who promised to please PC gamers with great news at the presentation PC Gaming Show 2023getting ready to release …
Earlier we wrote about the invention of the company Creative – sound processing technology Super x-fi and even did a review on the headphones Creative outlier air. And today …
Company Electronic arts in the near future will present the fourth part in the line of mixed martial arts simulators EA Sports UFC. On the site PS4Patches, where updates …
Next game Naughty dogAccording to the creative director of the studio, Neil Drackmann, either The last of us, or new intellectual property. The company has not yet decided on …
Danish portal Gamereactor published an article on unannounced games for next-generation consoles. Most of them are somehow rumored – except for one, the latest Finnish studio Housemarque. According to …
Company Atlusknown for creating games in the series Persona and Shin Megami Tensei, confirmed that she would do for PC presentation announcement PC Gaming Show 2023to be held on …
Become a real internet sensation last year Ikumi Nakamura in recent months it reminds of itself much less often. The girl attracted the attention of millions of users with …
In recent years, a real revolution has taken place in the VR helmet market. But among gamers, the demand for virtual reality devices is still very low. Even the …
Presentation of the company was to take place last week. Sonydedicated to the next generation console Playstation 5. But in the end, due to the unstable political situation in …