Category: Games Updates
Tomorrow, April 28, action role-playing Monster hunter rise for Nintendo Switch will receive a major update 2.0. It will add to the game the ancient dragons Theostra, Chameleos, Kushal …
Capcom held another show on Monster hunter, where she shared the nearest updates for Rise and presented the third trailer Stories 2: Wings of Ruin… Most of the attention …
Users of current smartphones iPhone and tablets iPad from company Apple got the opportunity to play mobile games with controllers from new generation consoles Playstation 5 and Xbox Series …
According to Chinese media, studio executives MiHoYo, best known for the release of shareware role-playing game Genshin impact, there was absolutely an attempt on his life. According to the …
Wargaming presented a major update Modern armor for console World of tanksthat will come out during the day. The developers call this “the next step in the development of …
Super mario party was released only on Nintendo Switch in October 2018, but after 2.5 years after the release, it received an update with support for online play. Players …
Collectible Card Game Developers Legends of Runeterra from the studio Riot games announced the addition “Guardians of Antiquity”… Runeterra is on the brink of war, with Noxus warships heading …
Voice actor Alexander Vilkov in early April in his Instagram-account stated that “just started voice acting” S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 and that they want to release the game by this winter. …
At the weekend to Shanghai headquarters MiHoYo an unknown person entered, who planned to kill the two founders of the studio, and then commit suicide. He was found on …
Last week publishing house Electronic Arts and studio Respawn held a presentation of a major update for the shooter for journalists and bloggers Apex legends, which received the name …