Category: Gameplay Videos
Narrami, or muse, of the multiform hero who so wandered after seeing his kidnapped prince: many men saw the cities and knew the thoughts, many pains suffered in the …
The tough first steps Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 is a profoundly deep and complex strategist who is likely to throw the sponge to the less savvy player to spend hours …
Always speaking of style, the few characters with which it is possible to speak (which do not have any useful function) are expressed in Banjo & Kazooie style , but they do …
Slaughter begins Produced by Transhuman Design , the same team that worked for King Arthur’s Gold , this title is a fast, hard, brutal and adrenaline 2D shooter, where we will play a …
And to expect, a plausible future. The setting in which we will be immersed in the State of Mind is a great gathering of what the Old Testament literature of the …
The depths of space embrace the Talos-1 space station, a huge complex near the moon that deals with Typhon’s study, evanescent, shadowy alien beings, which could, however, allow humanity …
In the meantime, the connotation of “agents against terrorists”, which, albeit uninformed, is to be brought back to the will of not humanizing the terrorists at a time when, …
An exoskeleton for a friend Everything begins with our arrival in CREO Industries, a research company dedicated to the creation of technologies that can safeguard the Earth and improve …
The temptation to re-adapt the proemio of Omero’s homonymous poem was so strong that we could not avoid it from doing so. The term Odyssey , which has its origin in Odysseus …
Wonderful students The Japanese are obsessed with adolescence: most of the game heroes from the Sol Levante are between fourteen and nineteen, and the protagonist of Operation Babeland all his …