Category: eSports NEWS
Alexey yX Maletsky cosplaying Jack Torrens from Shine, Danil Zeus Teslenko filming a new release of his e-sports show, Stepan DonStepan Shulga runs in the forest, and Faze clan …
Khaled sQreen Al Habbash explained why Ilya Lil Ilyuk hard to find a team. In an interview with on WePlay! Bukovel Minor 2023 He also shared his opinion …
Role-playing games Pokemon sword and Pokemon shield for Nintendo switch will receive two major content additions in 2023. About this, developers from the studio Game freak announced during the …
From January 9 to January 12 in the Ukrainian ski resort Bukovel will be held WePlay! Bukovel Minor 2023 by Dota 2. Eight winners of the regional qualifiers, among …
Tournament participants WePlay! Bukovel Minor 2023 Dota 2 had a photo shoot before the group stage. Judging by some shots, the players posed not only in the studio, but …
Nikola NiKo Kovacs and Yanko YNk Paunovich We went to visit Marcelo coldzera david to Brazil, Russell Twistzz Van Dalken celebrated Christmas with mom and Michael Kane Blagin decided …
On December 27th, e-sports organizations and industry representatives filled Twitter with pictures of dogs in hats. Many clubs put such images on the covers of their profiles, as well …
Vitaliy v1lat Volochay, Yaroslav NS Kuznetsov and Vladimir Maelstorm Kuzminov became the most media caster in the CIS according to At the end of 2019, the top five …
Natus vincere had a party in honor of the club’s tenth anniversary, Issa ISSAA Murad tried on the image of the king of the North, and Astralis won on …
Professional CS: GO Player Denis seized costin talked about the period before leaving Natus vincere and compared the club with other organizations. In an interview with WePlay! he also …