Before We Leave Coming To Steam May 13th – review Addiction

A year ago, April 16, 2023, independent studio Balancing Monkey Games released in Epic Games Store peaceful city building simulator Before we leave… Now the deadline has expired, and users will soon get acquainted with the game Steam

Publishing has joined the release of the game in the most popular game store Team17… And it announced the date of the new release: May 13th.

The world of Before We Leave has survived the apocalypse, and now our task is to explore it and bring it back to life. As it develops, the revived civilization will master new technologies that will allow the development of industry, trade and transport – including sailing ships.

Since the release, the content of the game has expanded significantly. New biomes have appeared in it, including swamps, rainforests and crystalline islands, as well as new technologies, machines and infrastructure. Now there is even a Kraken in the game!

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