Phenomenally hard to make a game that would be ideal in almost all (especially if it is to continue), but the developers from the studio Platinum Games (authors Vanquish and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance) did not allow himself any favors.
Release a spin-off, to change the main character, to transfer control to the touch-screen? Nonsense, no compromise!
Attack will be on the forehead will adjust the color palette once again emphasize the heroine’s sexy new image (7.5 – yes, too hot!), Pick up a languid voice for the initial greeting … and let the rest will be the same. Only a hundred times better. Although what to hesitate: you get in the bargain, and the first part!
The game starts immediately after the events of the original: Jeanne Bayonetta fighting girlfriend dies early in the game. Her death became a catalyst for a very large-scale history, in which there is a place and the angels, and demons, and the ancient gods.
Witch will be a butterfly to flit between hell and paradise, found in almost all the familiar characters (including a very unexpected), and at the same time to get acquainted with the new. And of course, ask the heat motley crowds of enemies: Bayonetta brings retribution in the name of the moon, and, therefore, there will be blood. A lot of blood.
The combat system in the first part has been perfected as facing against you angelic swords, but to continue to recycle and it do even better. Local fights – it’s amazing dance of the heroine, her anthem of femininity in which the player plays the role of a conductor.
You can learn strokes chain or to invent them on the fly: Bayonetta easily pass through their opponents, nashpiguet their bullets and then accept imposing posture, to wink at the camera.
You will be required unless a good reaction: dodging the blow at the last moment, you can activate the slow-mo mode in which you nada enemies even more blows.
The constant change of pace, the most sophisticated plastic Bayonetta particularly powerful special attacks and turn every fight into a spectacle.
Happening on the screen is so intense that inadvertently grits his teeth. Battle on the ground? Too boring: let’s you better shlestnetsya with the enemies in the air, under water or in the whirlpool, not only on foot, but riding on the robot, an airplane or a centaur, but rather on a separate arena where the epic battle of two giants is simply spectacular backdrop.
One of the most dramatic scenes in the game.
As you go you decide to five times that came the climax – just because you feel as though the scope and dynamics have reached their limit. However, after half an hour previous grand battle will seem ridiculous scuffle in comparison with a new battle.
To convey the admiration of such jewelry work, often do not have the words. This is one of those rare cases in which the creators gave it, as they say, with complete dedication.
And do not hesitate to leave even at the end of even a modest, but reserve for the sequel. What are you doing, Platinum Games, the best after all is simply impossible!
With this content verified applying the amount could be reduced greatly, but compromises – not about Bayonetta 2. So keep a pantheon of cyber enemies from hell, a lot of secrets scattered by the level and a bunch of additional weapons from samurai swords to shotguns.
In addition, the creators have added to the game yet, and co-op mode called Tag Mode, in which you have to fight with the enemies in separate arenas (you can choose almost any character of the saga, including the beauty of Jeanne or demon Rodin).
And let the story campaign has turned out a bit shorter than the original (it can overpower the hours of 8), if you want the pleasure of “Bayonetta” can stretch for a long time. And believe me, you will want to do it.
Slasher – one of those genres, which is incredibly important technical performance. If the frame rate is not stable, and management respond to the delay, the rest of the effort will be in vain – how can you not remember the infamous port of the first part on the PS3.
In this regard, Wii U did not clearly the best choice, but the creators here have coped brilliantly: Bayonetta 2 – flawlessly beautiful and licked up to a limit game. It looks much better than its predecessor and, moreover, almost always keeps a treasured bar at 60 frames per second.