Author: Kane Dane
Everything around the globe The first approach with Blitzkrieg 3it is not soft, at the beginning no menu is presented and, after choosing between the three factions made available – …
Start your adventure The title we are going to talk about today, Touhou: Genso Wanderer , originally came to Japan in 2015 a nd arrives on our market after a wait …
Here are the souls that are consumed There are two new areas available in the latter DLC: Waste Cummings and The City at Rings, both of which are rather …
The deserted eyes of the abyss Narcosis’s protagonist is part of the research project called Oceanova, which in 2016 has captured the attention of the whole world. Three years later, a small …
The birth of a legend, 1986 Shigeru Miyamoto has never made a mystery to take inspiration from everyday life for the development of his games. The anecdot e behind Zelda’s …
The 88 crazy The plot is so much a pretext as well as a certainty: it’s 8:08 on August 8, 1988, and the wicked Dr. H8 has decided to …
Gladio is called to a great test of courage, as well as demonstrating his strength to continue protecting Noctis: the confrontation with Ravus, who saw him out of defeat, …
Welcome to the 2.0 Heroes of the Storm has always had its amazing ability to adapt to any new player: Blizzard’s MOBA is easy to play but difficult to master, …
From Jimmy Fallon to our smartphones Let’s take a step back and go back to the last months of last year, where a smiling Reggie Fils-Aime presented at The …
His escape is vanish, though, because the police are deployed in an anti-riot squad and even without a shot he can stop him and stop him: the interrogation is …