Next project Sucker Punch Productions, series developers Infamous and last year’s samurai action Ghost of tsushimawill possibly be a partially multiplayer game.
This is indicated by the vacancy of a programmer of multiplayer and network services, recently opened by the studio. The description for it says that the Sucker Punch design team creates “amazing team gameplay”, and the applicant will have a primary role to play in unleashing this creativity in an “addictive multiplayer game”… Developers need a specialist with a complete set of skills to create online features that help build “smooth, fun co-op gameplay.”
The studio is also looking for a senior writer to join the writing team and help create “engaging narrative content for the next project.” The successfully selected candidate will have to work on impressive and emotional stories with an emphasis on memorable characters and vibrant dialogue in an open world.
Given that Sucker Punch needs both multiplayer and storytelling skills at the same time, the studio’s new project will include both storyline and networking components for co-op play. Perhaps we are talking about Ghost of tsushima 2, since hints of a sequel have already been in past vacancies, and the mention of online may be associated with the further development of the cooperative mode Legends from the first part.
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