A foreign star put on a sweater with a Russian obscenity and shocked the Internet

Netizens turned their attention to a foreign star, who, during her speech, decided to wear a jacket with a mat written in Russian.

Ayumi Hamasaki, a 41-year-old Japanese singer, posted a new photo on her Instagram page. According to Gamebomb.ru, the performer is captured in the photo during her performance as part of the Trouble Tour 2023. The most remarkable thing in the photo is that the Ayumi Hamasaki jacket shows off the inscription in Russian “go to x **”. It is worth noting that the singer has closed comments under the photos, so netizens could not leave any comments about this, limiting herself to likes. Only some users on other social networks expressed their dissatisfaction.

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Posted by ayumi hamasaki (@ a.you) Jan 14, 2023 @ 2:11 am PST

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ト ラ ブ ル ツ ア ー 、 全員 怪 初 な く 無 事 に に 初 日 開 き ま し た ・ 2 UB ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood ood oud

Posted by ayumi hamasaki (@ a.you) May 2, 2019 at 1:53 pm PDT

Singer Ayumi Hamasaki is considered one of the most successful singers in Japan, which, at least, indicates her unofficial title “Empress of Japanese pop music.” Ayumi began her career in 1998, having since released more than a dozen music albums since then. In addition, the girl is the owner of a huge number of music awards and prizes, which she won during her creative career.

Previously, Gamebomb.ru already wrote about a similar case. Last time, a member of a similar incident was a member of the Korean BTS band named Park Chi Minh (also known as Jimin). He also appeared before the audience in a sweater with exactly the same inscription. Then users were free to discuss the performer’s trick and condemn it.