Mass transport

As the title makes clear, finally one of the most critical points of the whole game, that of mass transit, has been addressed, which in the basic version offer insufficient options compared to the needs that arise when a city has grown in size. It must be said that there are several amateur models of great value that have tried to put a patch to the entire system, for the most part succeeding,


but finally see an official solution, albeit paid, is more than a comforting sense. Of course, certainly for some it will be a late intervention, but it must be added a detail of no little account to understand the goodness of the whole operation:


the Colossal Order guys have never missed support and updates for Cities: Skylines, despite the production of additional contents. They even made sure that Mass Transit is as mod-friendly as possible, meaning that installing it does not conflict with the additions downloaded from the Steam Workshop. What then, in hindsight, the previous expansions still offered valuable additional


content (only After Dark was a bit ‘subdued) capable of enriching the game experience. In short, it is really difficult to find something to complain about the behavior of developers regarding the management of the product.


Mass Transit is the definitive DLC for Cities: Skylines? Finally can you take the bus?


Unlike what happened with Afer Dark, Snowfall and Natural Disaster, Mass Transit is a purely structural DLC. Of course, it also adds different buildings and infrastructures, but its core lies in the innovations it introduces in the interface and in the management of the transport system.

Mass transport

As a result, do not expect anything spectacular like a meteor shower or a snowstorm. At most you will find a fantastic monorail to run all over the city, or ferries to take advantage of the waterways to lighten the road traffic. Nothing too pushed from an aesthetic point of view, anyway. It matters little, because the beauty of Mass Transit is in adding an additional level of complexity to the management part, with a contemporary lightening of the machinosity of the construction interface, much improved even in the functions that do not directly concern the design of railway paths and similar.


The goal, perfectly achieved, is to equip virtual mayors with the tools necessary to grow their cities in harmony with public transport.The key buildings introduced by the DLC are the terminal hubs, that is the large connecting stations that make it possible to connect the entire transport network, making it in a certain sense organic to the city fabric.


The system is so well done that it makes you want to rebuild a city from scratch just to make the most of the hubs (there are also scenarios prepared, but as usual it is better to do it yourself). But what’s the use, are you wondering? Well, if you have ever traveled, you will know that there are some stations where you get off a vehicle, for example a train, there are other types of vehicles to take to get to your destination, for example buses.

Mass transport

The Mass Transit hubs allow you to connect all types of transport vehicles:imagine your virtual citizens coming down from the monorail train at the station and from there they can take a ferry that takes them to another hub, where they will finally find the bus that will take them home.


The more you practice with the system, the more you understand the versatility and power, as well as the benefits for the entire city. A good transport network in fact reduces traffic, improving


pollution and increasing the quality of life of citizens … as well as the revenue in the coffers of the city deriving from the sale of tickets. Obviously it is still possible to place single stops for each transport system. Indeed, it is virtuous to do it by studying the best routes to try to cover all areas.

From this point of view the innovations introduced in the interface come to help,make it easier to design the whole city thanks to an integrated guide system (if you’ve ever opened any program to make graphics you know what we’re talking about), which avoids errors and clarifies what you’re doing, removing some of them obstacles when necessary.