Rise & Shine

A boy and his gun
The mother planet of video games, Gamearth, is under attack by the brutal invaders of Nexgen; the task of saving him falls on one of the last survivors, a kid named Rise. To accompany him on his way will be the prodigious weapon named Shine that will give him the power to rescue him, returning to life whenever necessary. Starting to play from the last checkpoint is no
t just a well-established game mechanics, but with this gimmick it is also introduced in history.This is narrated by using different cutscenes designed as if we were reading the comic book pages: they are well designed and appreciated, while other simpler dialo
gues occur within the same gameplay. Do not take too seriously, often using jokes and funny situations, and the result is definitely nice; there are also some video games quotes, which will be very much appreciated by fans who will catch them. For example, do you know who the King of King is? A famous whip plumber.
Rise & Shine
Prepare to die … so many times
It is no coincidence that respawn is so much talked about inside the story, also being used in a nice way in a part of the game: the game
has a good level of difficulty, and Rise will have to make the best use of the covers and the various combinations of bullets to overcome the waves of enemies that will have in front of him. There are also several puzzles that exploit our abilities and the use of different bullets, such as the most powerful electric versions of robots and radi
o controlled bullets to hit the weak points; even some bosses need quick reflexes and the exploitation of these skills to the best, before they can be definitively defeated.Mouse and keyboard gameplay works flawlessly: Goal is one of the most important factors to survive and everything responds well, but we can not say the same to the controller: it’s much
more challenging to be able to aim without using the mouse, since missing the viewfinder that would appear using the mouse. However, it can be used discreetly, but as you will see it makes playing even more challenging than normal, so do not recommend using it unless you want to further increase the difficulty of the game.
Rise & Shine
Short but intense
Rise & Shine is not only appreciated for the robustness of gameplay, but also graphically: the settings are all hand-drawn, and even stylistically and visually striking for glittering colors; despite caring for the details and the cartoon style, developers do
not seem to have any problems with showing decapitations and characters explode leaving blood everywhere, even with regard to our protagonist! You see clearly the passion that developers have made during the development of thi
s game not only in this but also in so many small details that are noticed during our adventure.Unfortunately, the gaming experience is intense and fun as short as its duration: longevity varies from two to three hours, really not too much because it does not affect the final judgment. The story of the game, for this reason, is approximate and not pr
operly developed; even though it was not clearly the focus of this product, there were interesting ideas and it is a shame not to be seen with real potential. It is likely that there was no resources to be able to do more than we did, but for what we saw the results were the same: we have a talented team in front of us that could give us more satisfaction in the future.